Episode description
On this episode, Maria and Meghan welcome back Amateur Pro Greg (@Magic_Michelp) to the show to talk about his first Pro Tour experience at PT Rivals of Ixalan! Greg walks us through the trials of picking a deck, what it’s like to open Tetzimoc (!!) in your first-ever Pro Tour draft, and his favorite things about Spain. PLUS: Insight on Lantern Control, 5-Color Humans, Hollow One, and other sweet Modern decks that grabbed the spotlight on Magic’s biggest stage. Our hosts also chat about the upcoming Team Modern Super League (go Team MNVA!) , play “Guess that Flavor Text” as Meghan tries to stump our chumps, and MtA kicks off its February Patron Pledge Drive with the rallying call of 612-FOSSILZ! …Seriously, call our number and leave a message. It’ll be great!
Beginner’s Intro to Tron (article from JVL): http://beardeddragon.wpengine.com/tron-without-the-stigma/
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