Skill up: The Power of Storytelling
If you could be a Millionaire. What would be the one expensive thing that you are going to cross out from your Bucket list?
I just can't stop wondering how could a Millionaires spend their life. I assume they are always making every day
of their lives full of memorable experiences. They can go anywhere they want, eat the most expensive foods that not
everyone could ever have. I guess they all wake up with smiles on their face with adrenaline rushing because they are
thinking of what exciting things they are going to do from the day they wake up. I just can imagine if they could sleep
because of their excitement.
There are a lot of millionaires on the internet that I keep on tracking their lives by their social media accounts.
Most of them are owners of well-known big companies.
I just can't stop thinking of the life of Jeff Bezos. Lately, I just saw from his Twitter post that he is planning to go to space
together with his brother by the Blue origin. It would be the first human space flight. Well, that is really fantastic.
Jeff Bezos will be able to cross out one of the things that he has on his bucket list. He really dreamed this when he was a kid.
I think nothing can beat the accomplishment of Jeff Bezos when it comes to crossing off the bucket list.
I am just thinking if I would be as Millionaire as Jeff Bezos. Well, if I could be as rich as him, I would
cross out one on my bucket list. It could be to have my own History Yacht.
Ohh, it is indeed expensive. I did not know this yacht when I was a kid and I am sure it is not yet made. But my dream to sail on the broadness of the ocean is one of the dreams that I really love the most. I will just take the opportunity to sail with
this awesome yacht "The Own history". I can just remember when I was a kid. I tend to create a boat made from the rubbers from
the used slippers, I put a rope on it and
I sail it at the river near our house. That is really satisfying! Reminiscing my old gold days.
There are a lot of things from my childhood days to share. I think I already shared our new vocabulary for today. I will let
you guess again. If you guess Reminiscing, that is right!
Reminiscing means to indulge in an enjoyable recollection of past events.
So, your challenge for today is to use the word reminiscing or reminisce to respond to the question. "If you could be a Millionaire
what would be the one expensive thing that you are going to cross out from your bucket list"
I think you have plenty of things on your bucket list, but just choose one, Okay?
Don't forget to use the word for today!
Good Luck!