We’ve officially entered into 2023, and you’re probably either feeling like you are ready to take on the world or feeling like you need [at least] another two weeks of winter break.
Today’s episode is going to walk you through an exercise that will help you to feel prepared to take on the second half of the school year. We’re going to talk about how you can get things on your calendar now, and plan your future units accordingly, so that ‘future you’ will be way less stressed.
So, grab your planner, school calendar, and a fresh set of pens, because we’re doing some backwards planning!
Grab your FREE Backwards Planning Checklist: https://www.curriculumrehab.com/checklist
Show Notes: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode133
Join BNT Happy Hour! https://www.curriculumrehab.com/happyhour
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