Today's episode is a re-run of one of our MOST DOWNLOADED EPISODES of all time. We know there are still many of you that haven't heard it yet and we KNOW that this is one of the most difficult and common ELA teacher struggles: getting kids to read at home.
There is without a doubt a universal fact amongst all students throughout elementary and high school. That fact is that students do not read at home. This is not strictly related only to language arts because no matter the subject, the follow through does not happen at home.
With that being said, we are going to tell you exactly what to do when they don’t do the work. Just in case you read that quickly we wanted to emphasize that we’re not talking about if they don’t do it, but when!
The information we are providing on today’s episode is probably the most valuable advice you will ever receive. Seriously, we’re not kidding. Let’s face it, reading is such a huge part of most assignments and they’re just not going to do it.
We’re here to tell you that that doesn’t have to be the case any longer.
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