We’re teachers, and this is a teaching podcast, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have interests beyond the world of education! We want to be a consistent reminder to you that as much as we love nerding out over curriculum, and as much as we love what we do, teaching can’t be the only thing we do.
We talked about setting intentions inside episode 185 and shared a free Intention Journal that you can download. Setting intentions is going to help gently push you to think about, and follow through with, things that will help you grow in your personal and professional life.
Today’s episode is a continuation of our effort to pull you out of the curriculum for a few moments and just be people! We’re sharing some of our current favorite things with you including items that help with our health, books, travel planning, cooking, and more. What are some of your favorite things during this season of life? Share with us on Instagram @bravenewteaching!
Links to all of our favorite things are in the show notes: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode187
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