Happy 2024! It’s a new year, so we thought we’d try something new to help you really get the most out of 2024. Today we’re debuting The Brave New Teaching Challenge, and it’s all about setting intentions for your year.
Here’s the best part about this challenge. We’re doing it together one step at a time. We know from firsthand experience that we are better teachers when we are in community with other teachers who get it and when we push ourselves a little bit outside of our comfort zones.
We have six intention challenges for the entire year; one for every two months. That means this is a no-pressure situation. You have plenty of time to get this done alongside your busy schedule!
All the details of the challenges are laid out in this free Intention Journal.
These intention challenges are meant to push you (in a gentle way) to think about things that are going to help you grow in your personal and professional life. And remember, you’re not in this alone! We are doing this in real time with you.
In fact, it all starts in today’s episode. We’ll walk you through the first challenge for January and February. Download your journal and join us!
Resources Mentioned:
SHOW NOTES: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode185
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