Cheers to everyone who has made it to the end, or almost the end, of this school year! We’re celebrating you and giddy with excitement for what’s to come this summer at Brave New Teaching.
In case you haven’t heard, we’ll be hosting Camp BNT, which is essentially a Nerdy English teacher book club. But here’s the best part - we’re actually interviewing the authors right here on the Brave New Teaching podcast! We can’t believe that we’ll have the chance to host these interviews and take you along for the ride.
In today’s episode, we’re sharing the lineup of authors for this series and the books that we’ll be focusing on. This series will highlight our mission of looking at culturally responsive and equitable teaching practices from both the pedagogical side and the curriculum side. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join Camp BNT for free and be a part of the conversations.
Show Notes:
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