We love a good unit makeover, and today you’ll hear part of one in action! We’re going to do a makeover on a unit that Marie has taught one time so far. It uses the text, Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson.
This unit is part of a brand new course. As many of you may have experienced, brand new course + brand new unit = flying by the seat of your pants! In other words, it’s a good time to talk through it and think about some changes that can be made the next time that it’s used.
The unit that we’re talking about in today’s episode looks at systems of power. You’ll hear us discuss the vision for this unit, go through some clarifying questions, and move into forming an essential question. Most importantly, you’ll gain an understanding that this process is pretty messy to work through!
Register for our virtual workshop on teaching biography and memoir: https://www.curriculumrehab.com/biographyandmemoir
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