We're digging into our second lesson on Learning to Love Well, which is seeing the innocence in others. This skill gets at the heart of the illusion of separation and opening up to the truth that we are interdependent. And, when we see the innocence in others, then we'll start to see it in ourselves as well (and even if we start the other way around). No matter who you start with, once you see the true essence of yourself and others (and give yourself and others a break), the world really opens up. Joy has bigger paths to flow through when you're gentler on yourself and others and daily life gets, well, easier.
Side note: We're now releasing weekly episodes! Tune in every Wednesday for new infusions of joy. Be sure to subscribe/follow the Joy Lab Podcast on your favorite podcast platform so new episodes appear in your feed. And please give us a top rating/review on that platform to help spread more joy.
Key Takeaways:
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Full transcript available at: https://www.naturalmentalhealth.com/podcasts/joy-lab-podcast/episodes/2147802956