On Gaslit Nation, we often say that America’s history is an authoritarian one for nonwhite people. That brutal legacy flows directly through the family of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. His ancestors were among the first to bring enslaved Africans to Georgia and fought to prevent America’s Founding Fathers from banning slavery in the Declaration of Independence. Fast forward to today: Brian Kemp continues that legacy by denying voting rights to the descendants of those his ancestors enslaved. And in Georgia, you can’t even learn about this history because Kemp has worked to suppress it—that’s how he holds onto power.
As the must-watch documentary Vigilantes, Inc. by investigative journalist Greg Palast reveals, “suppressing history suppresses the vote.” Narrated by Rosario Dawson and produced by Martin Sheen, George DiCaprio, and Maria Florio, the film is available for free at SaveYourVote.org, a site launched by Leonardo DiCaprio. The name Vigilantes, Inc. traces back to 1946, when the Ku Klux Klan used it as a cover for their operations. Today, Kemp is leading the charge to use the Klan’s playbook to steal Georgia for Donald Trump in 2024, and MAGA has a new A.I. weapon.
Palast is known for his investigative reports for The Guardian and bestsellers including The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. This week’s bonus show, out Saturday for subscribers at the Truth-teller ($5/month) level and higher, will feature the audience Q&A with Palast at our live taping. Listeners' questions at the Democracy Defender ($10/month) level and higher will open the bonus show, incuding how to explain to small business owners that serially corrupt, Kremlin asset, career criminal Donald Trump is no businessman—he just played one on TV. Look out for that special Q&A bonus episode this Saturday, exclusively on Patreon. Discounted annual memberships are available. Thank you to everyone who supports the show, especially in these hard times–we could not make Gaslit Nation without you!
Watch Vigilantes, Inc. for free here: SaveYourVote.org
Check out Greg Palast’s work here: ww.gregpalast.com
Our next phonebank party is this Wednesday October 2nd at 6pm ET with Sister District, calling into Michigan. RSVP here: https://www.mobilize.us/sisterdistrictnyc/event/642096/
To join our “Come as You Are” Political Salons over Zoom to vent, ask questions, or just hang out, every Monday at 4pm ET through Inauguration Day, subscribe at the Truth-teller level or higher on Patreon.com/Gaslit!