Episode 289 - CO-HOST - Robbie Samuels - Tips for Rebranding Your Show, Building A Winning Team and Repurposing Past Content
Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur
Connector ~ Builder ~ Expert
Strategist ~ Coach ~ Speaker
Award-winning author of three books, recognized as a networking expert by NPR, Forbes, Amazon, Lifehacker, Harvard Business Review, and Inc., and as an expert in virtual event design by JDC Events.
As a business growth strategist, I coach entrepreneurial women in their 50s and beyond (and a few good men) who are ready to grow their impact and income through new revenue streams by helping them grow their audience BEFORE launching a program or service.
As an event design consultant and executive Zoom producer, I partner with speakers and in-house event teams to design inclusive, engaging, and transformative event experiences, whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid. I train speakers and the team, and handle all the virtual tech. My goal is to help you lower your stress. I've been producing events in one form or another since I was in college in the 90s and providing business growth strategy advice for nearly as long.
These skills combine to create a book launch strategy coach who coaches entrepreneurs to build a launch team of 150+ likely prospects and referral partners, get 50+ Amazon reviews, and host a virtual book launch party that creates a pipeline for their next offer. Conversations with prospects lead to new revenue, which is a measure of success you can take to the bank!
When the pandemic shuttered events I swiftly reinvented myself from networking expert to industry expert in the field of virtual event design. I then built a multi six-figure business based on all-new revenue streams. I share my entrepreneurial journey on my About page.
All that I've learned and experienced makes me the person you'll want to work with regardless of the service I'm providing. Speaking of which, check out the ways we can work together. https://robbiesamuels.com/hubpodcast/https://robbiesamuels.com
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