Episode 332 - Podcast Spotlight - Dad Space with host Dave Campbell - NaPodPoMo
It all starts with the why...
Have you noticed how hard it is to find a table to take Mom out for Mother’s Day - tough right?
Have you noticed how empty that same resturant is on Father’s Day? Hmmm... wonder why?
As Dad’s we have lost our way, we have lost our voice, we have lost connection with other Dads, who have a similar story, a new insight and maybe a piece of Dad Advice that could change everything about your Dad journey!
Do you want to meet another Dad
Think of us as a play-date for Dad’s!
Welcome to Dad Space
https://dadspace.ca/ ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast https://calendly.com/truemediasolutions/free-podcast-consult-for-how-to-podcast-listeners ___ https://howtopodcast.ca