Episode 209 - Understanding Analytics, What Stats Mean, and What Stat You Should Focus on To Grow Your Show in 2024
We take a look under the hood at the topic of Analytics and Stats - what stat should you focus on this year?
We talk about downloading your Geographic Location list of your listenership and how you can upload this entire list into Google Maps - pinning all these listeners on a global map so that you can witness your total global domination! What a fun exercise - here is a YouTube link on how to do this in Google Maps
How long your listeners actual stick around for each of your episodes is more important than a 5 star rating for your show - I know this might not sit well with all of you, but a complete listen by your audience for every episode is a better signal to each of the players that there is value in your content - and, a 5 star rating can be purchased - check your email! You will see this often as you continue podcasting! A 5 star rating can be gamed and purchased and it is more of a vanity metric really, no, c'mon, really!
Thanks for listening (to the entire episode!)