May 11, 2024, is the one-year anniversary of the official end of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency in the United States. Each day throughout May, I’ll share an excerpt of my play LOVE & HATE IN THE TIME OF COVID to commemorate our collective loss, grief, and survival. And because I’m me, there’s a bit of mirth and levity mixed in there as well. 😊
I’m not usually one for memorials, but unlike other auspicious dates, instead of feeling overdone, this one feels overlooked. It’s as though we’ve been experiencing this collective trauma, and instead of processing it, the messaging has been to get over it and get on with it. I don’t mean this as a political statement. It’s more of a confession of sorts. There’s been so much change and loss. The grief hits me hard at times, and I suspect I’m not alone. Whatever your personal beliefs or political persuasion, I hope you’ll accept these offerings as tokens, reflections, meditations, remembrances, injections of positivity--or whatever else works for you. And if they somehow provide a bit of healing, even better.
Written by: Kim Yaged
Voices: Azania Shange, Dawn Troupe, Donnell Smith, Phalana Tiller, and Trae Durica
Editor: Kayla Caouette
© All materials and recordings are copyrighted by Kim Yaged and may not be shared or re-broadcast without permission.