At the Heart of The Tidal Podcast is the word leadership, and remember all of us are leaders and really it’s about how we show up.
By upgrading your understanding of the word leadership, we wholeheartedly believe you’ll experience more agency and influence over any circumstance you face.
Consider this…. The power of intention is a declaration of a future state that you will do, based on your passion, values, and purpose; it is why you have set the goals you’ve set, your internal raison d’être. The power of your intention can change your life – it is how you show up, it is how you BE.
If you can express this power of intention to your team, they are likely to understand your mission and their purpose, which will motivate and inspire them in turn. Team members want someone to look up to h=who has a clear outlook on where to go and why. The destination needs to be clear – the leader needs to BE it and show it. For employees, the clearer the WHY the easier the HOW.
The Power of Intention is who leaders BE to create an inspiring vision that quite literally inspires and ignites teams – and in turn teams are empowered to BE, to achieve – the vision. They’ll feel the confidence to make decisions needed to get to where the team wants to BE.
Your power of intention was formed by experiences you’ve had throughout your life that formed who you are. These experiences, combined with your passion and purpose, form your intention – what you choose to BE.
Let's make this real. Here’s a pro-tip. Intention is internal before it is external. When I find myself unclear, in any situation and I’m feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious, frazzled, unsure (just to name a few) the most powerful question I’ve found to ask myself in the moment is…”What is my internal intention?” Then I wait for my innate, internal voice -- my heart voice -- not my head voice -- to speak with clarity, knowing that that truth has a profound, and likely positive impact on external environments. ” When I invoke my intention, the universe meets us at the point of action.
From this way of leading, watch the ripples get created.