This video reveals how I went from $50,000 in student loan debt working jobs I hated to millionaire in just a few short years. Now you can apply these prosperity principles in your life, too! Links to all the resources mentioned are in the description!
Here are the books mentioned:
(Assume these are all affiliate links and I'd earn a tiny % of your order as a commission if you click through and buy within 24 hours of clicking my links! ...So load up an Amazon cart 🤣 I appreciate the support when you buy through my links)
#1 The Day That Turns Your Life Around by Jim Rohn -
#2 - The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles -
This is free in audiobook format on YouTube here -
And you can get the pdf or kindle version free on Gutenberg here -
#3 - You Too Can Be Prosperous by Robert Russell - Print book -
The audiobook is on YouTube here -
#4 - Grow Rich With Peace of Mind by Napoleon Hill -
#5 - The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price - print book and kindle
You can get the audio version on YouTube here - but it is slightly different.
I highly recommend getting the kindle or print version of The Abundance Book because the little part that's left out in the YouTube version was very important for my understanding.
Also, it's important to go through the audiobook version too because it has an exercise that's not in the print book... lol. So both are good to do!
Also... John Randolph Price has a meditation to go with The Abundance Book which you can listen to on YouTube here -
It is important to go through the full book to 'get it' before going through the meditation.
You've got this!
Miles "The Helpful YouTuber" Beckler