Episode description
Success with Facebook ads requires you to get these 3 things right, every time. For a deep dive free training on Facebook ads go to - https://socialadclass.com
One of the key misconceptions that people have about Facebook ads is that the ads play a part in your conversions.
The truth about advertising on Facebook is that FB is just a traffic source. I discussed this concept at length in my recent Facebook Ads Tutorial with Q&A I livestreamed here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaqTJ...
The ability to convert your traffic in the leads and customers is reliant on your skills as a copywriter and your sales funnel.
I mentioned the "ATM Accelerator Funnel" in this video and if you want to see a training on what that is and how it works, go here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryACp...
It is also important to be using a modern strategy for your Facebook advertising because the Facebook ads strategy in 2020 is different than what worked in 2018.
I covered the most up-to-date Facebook ads strategy that my team and I are using in this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwcR5...
The biggest mistake I see people making with Facebook ads is going all in on one idea, one creative and one gigantic audience.
This is a fast way to waste a lot of money on advertising through Facebook and you must be more strategic if you truly want to succeed.
The second problem I see people having with Facebook ads is simply ignoring the procedures and the policies and promoting things that are either in the gray area or are specifically prohibited.
And then there is the affiliate marketing attempts that simply crash and burn and get Facebook ad accounts shut down.
Honestly if you want to do affiliate marketing on Facebook ads it is possible but you need to do it the right way.I cover the right way to run Facebook ads for affiliate marketing in this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtbVZ...
I do have a wide variety of training videos for Facebook ads that are free and you can find them here - https://www.milesbeckler.com/how-to-a...
It is important to realize that mastering Facebook advertising is a long-term game that will require you to stay committed long-term to testing the three things you learn about in this particular video.
No one succeeds with Facebook ads on their first try and continues to succeed thereafter. If this game were easy, every hedge fund and investment portfolio in the world would be leveraging Facebook ads to sell products as a prophet to boost their returns for their clients.
This doesn't happen in the real world because there are many specific skills required that take time to learn and master.
If you're committed to learning the right skills and to growing as a Facebook advertiser I do recommend you take a look at the free deep dive video training at socialadclass.com
I just published this brand-new free Facebook ads training here in October so it is the most up to date training in the world on Facebook ads. Whether you go through that deeper dive training or not, it is ultimately irrelevant…
Stay focused on mastering these three pieces to the successful Facebook add puzzle and you will find greater success in everything that you do.
I hope this video has been helpful and leave me a comment if you have any questions.
Miles "Helpful Facebook Ad Guy" Beckler