After a while, you get sort of tired of trying to be so polite. The protesters who seem to be everywhere at once are well-funded, organized and on a mission to literally bring America to its knees. It's not to make a point about peoples' lives mattering, and don't get mad at me for telling the truth here.
Watch as these protesters force minor confrontations with police, then cry foul? Why does this particular cause suddenly involve the mob making bizarre, emasculating demands? ("Kneel before me and apologize.") Why have protesters insisted that officers march with them? Pose with them? Why are we seemingly expected to make excuses for looters robbing stores, vandals breaking windows, protesters accosting cops, blocking traffic.
Why is there ONLY ONE SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE WAY to feel about all this?
And *WHY* do our mayors and governors maintain emergency powers when the curve was flattened 2 months ago? Why do they keep insisting we cover our faces? and why do the restrictions bend so easily for protesters? Would this be allowed if there was any significant health risk? It wouldn't. There isn't, and something else is happening which badly needs to be addressed.