In her 25 years of teaching special education and consulting, Dianne Craft has found that it takes only 5 steps, consistently applied in a daily reading lesson, to not only remove the symptoms of Dyslexia (reversals, scrambling sounds, and dysgraphia), but the effects of Dyslexia , (below level reading, spelling and writing). In this Podcast you will learn 2 simple steps: Physical Exercises that internalize directionality for a child and Visual Teaching Strategies that faithfully put “Zany Memory Hooks” on all aspects of reading…phonemes/phonics; sight words; spelling words. This can all be done in a daily reading session. It’s a method that she used in both Elementary and Middle School settings with equal success. A minimum of 2 years growth in a year was made using these simple, but non-curriculum related strategies. (many times, more) No need for future college accommodations. No need for curriculum purchase. No special training needed. Just success at your fingertips.