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"The mood swings kept getting worse and worse and so did the lack of affection. As he grew up and started becoming a man, she grew to resent him. The reasons for the resentment were many. The world had been too harsh on her. The world of Men. She had been taken advantage of too many times, sacrificed too much of herself and her life. Only to have the constant feeling that she amounted to nothing. Got pregnant young, didn’t have a chance to finish college and had to get a job to support two kids: the one growing in her belly and the one who put it there. At times she wondered “Where has it all gone wrong?” that sentence, that creeping feeling haunted her very often. To think that she had all the opportunities anyone could have wanted. She went to good schools, traveled abroad, learned languages, and… fell in love. In her mind, that had been the worst mistake of all. "