Have you ever wondered if you are on the right path? Or perhaps if you are really living true to yourself?
Bowen Dwelle was a teenage boozehound and suffered from anxiety and depression until the age of 48. Throughout his life Bowen searched for meaning, and for a life that was really true to himself. Throughout his journey, Bowen discovered his purpose as “here to tell the truth” about depression, alcohol—and intuition, and went on to become a successful entrepreneur, writer and freedom coach.
In this episode, Bowen uncovers how your intuition is fundamental in discovering a path that is true to you, and how you can strengthen it to find more meaning in your own life. Bowen speaks about how the process of unearthing his purpose went parallel with unwinding his depression, and how through strengthening his intuition, he started to see indications of what really mattered to him in the world. Through perseverance and tuning into himself, Bowen stepped into his purpose and now lives a very fulfilled life.
If you are in a position where you feel stuck, or unsure of which path to take, tune into this episode, and discover how you too, already have all the answers inside of you to live your life’s purpose!
You can find Bowen Dwelle by typing his name into Instagram or check out his website at www.secondsight.coach