Have you ever found yourself saying “one person can’t make a difference?” Or perhaps you have wondered how you can contribute to the planet in a positive way as an individual?
In this episode Reggie Bryant shows us how one voice, can create a ripple effect towards empowering change!
Reggie Bryant is great man, doing great things! Born in South Dakota, Reggie found himself following in his father’s footsteps and went into the army for close to 8 years. Since returning to New York, Reggie now works in corporate and helps individuals navigate barriers and create sustainable lives, alongside mentorship and coaching.
In this episode, Reggie takes us on a journey through his life experience and gives us key insights on how we can start to make the world a better place, simply by being a voice for change. Reggie shows us that by having empowering and innovative conversations, fuelled by understanding and empathy, we can start to be the force that creates our new future.
If you want to reach out to Reggie, you can follow him on Instagram at Regbryan or send him an email at reggieebryant@gmail.com