Communication and understanding is what often creates the strongest connections. Yet for some reason, many of us find it extremely difficult to connect the two! Whether you can’t communicate how you really feel, or perhaps you are communicating, but your message is not being interpreted in the way you intended.
This is an extremely frustrating reality for many, and is often what causes havoc in relationships both personally and professionally. In this episode, Crystallin is unpacking the importance of understanding how to communicate with impact, so that your messages, and responses are deeply understood by yourself and the receiver.
Crystallin is the founder of an amazing community called “The Bay Area T-Group” and she has an abundance of knowledge on the practice of mindful communication, designed to cultivate self-awareness and thriving relationships in both your personal and professional life.
In this episode, Crystallin gives us key insights into how even people with great skillsets can flounder and fail if they cannot communicate effectively and build strong, resilient relationships.
Crystallin helps us get clear on how to communicate your message openly and effectively, so you can make an impact and create thriving connections across your personal and professional life.
You can find Crystallin and all details to attend her T-Group, over at