Welcome to a very special episode with The Healthy Menu x Devour! Food Film Fest. Hosted by Sonia Couto, today's guest is award-winning chef and food advocate, Michel Nischan. Four-time James Beard Award-winner Chef Michel Nischan has been dubbed the “Godfather” of advocacy in the culinary world, maintaining the longest-standing record fighting for a more sustainable, resilient, and equitable food system through policy change. Michel is Co-Founder of the James Beard Foundation Chef Boot Camp for Policy and Change, and the only chef in America to change the Federal Farm Bill, twice, through his non-profit organization Wholesome Wave. Wholesome Wave was founded in 2007—the same year both of his restaurants were listed on Condé Nast’s Top 95 Restaurants in the World (Pure in Mumbai, India, and The Dressing Room Restaurant in Westport, CT).
The festival has become a destination for celebrities and notable chefs including Anthony Bourdain, Phil Rosenthal, Jacques Pépin, Dominique Crenn, Chuck Hughes, Sam Cass, Michael Städtlander, Normand Laprise, Michael Smith, Gordon Pinsent, Jason Priestley, Lidia Bastianich, and Bill Pullman. Each year, top chefs from across Canada and around the world collaborate on special dinners inspired by films. Devour! offers something for everyone with a roster of films at our host cinema, the Al Whittle Theatre, as well as food, film and beverage workshops, the Chowder Smackdown, the Great Devour! Community Supper in support of regional food banks, the Devour! The Street Food Rally and so much more.
This live is part of a three-part live series in collaboration with Devour! Food Film Fest. The Healthy Menu is brought to you by MenuSano. This episode was taken from a recorded live on October 19, 2022.
Michel Nischan: www.chefnischan.com
Devour! Food Film Fest: www.devourfest.com
Sonia Couto: www.linkedin.com/in/soniacouto
MenuSano: www.menusano.com