We’re back and we’re having a [baja] blast on this episode with West Virginia Delegate Kayla Young! In our new format, we shoot the shit about what’s going on in WV politically from the upcoming primaries to Baby Dog, and Kristi Noem’s dog [RIP] to everything else and beyond. We catch up on Delegate Young’s epic Vegas wedding, TikToking as a representative, woes with Reels [duh], and what the vibes of the year are – which included getting a pulse on whether Republican voters will turn out or not in November. Lots of questions, lots of commentary.
Delegate Kayla Young: https://tinyurl.com/5fyyy2hh
On IG: @kaylayoungforwv
On TikTok: @kaylayoungforwv
The Yapper’s Digest: https://theyappersdigest.beehiiv.com/
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