The notion of a humanoid machine was developed way back in the early 20th century. We’ve come a long way since then, integrating robots into every crevice of our lives. And we mean, every crevice.
We’ve got robot vacuum cleaners, retail robots, manufacturing robots and military robots. But what about the sexy robots? The masturbots? The love machines? Well, we were asked a stimulating question by a listener about this particular breed of bots: Is sex with a robot cheating? As it turns out, there is peer-reviewed research on the topic and where ethics, research and sexy robots meet, you’ll always find The Wholesome Show.
Now there are a few robots out there designed for giving (and receiving) sexual pleasure. The RealDollx from Abyss comes with realistic breastplates and a functioning vagina. But if you’re really in need of some loving, the Harmony line of sexbots boasts a mind-blowing X-Mode for your wildest sexual desires. These robots incorporate technology like numerous sensors, feedback, animated facial expressions, and even vaginal “arousal” detection that reacts to touch and escalates the intimacy until climax.
Enthusiasts of such delightful devices are known as iDollators, Synthetiks, or robosexuals, and sometimes see their dolls as life partners rather than mere sex toys. Like Brick Dollbanger (perhaps not his real name) who, becoming disillusioned with the dating scene, formed a collection of 4 robots to keep him company. Or a French woman named Lilly, who 3D-printed her own inMoovator robot and sleeps with it every night. And we can’t forget Davecat who has “married” his computerised companion and even has a mechanised mistress too!
So if these people have genuine intimate relationships with their robots, would it constitute cheating if they also had a human spouse? While some might consider sex with robots merely elaborate masturbation, others vehemently disagree with some believing thoughts and dreams of another human (or humanoid) constitute infidelity.
In one survey, 42% of people viewed a spouse turning to a robot for stimulation during marriage as cheating, while 31% disagreed, and 26% were unsure. Younger respondents were more open to the idea (kids these days!). Part of the conundrum, however, is that we struggle to classify what sex with a robot actually is and therefore, whether or not it is cheating.
For those who think not, what if your partner brought home a sex robot that was customised to look like their ex-partner? And for those who think it is cheating, would you classify the use of dildos or fleshlights as cheating? Yet another spectrum for us to navigate in this rich tapestry of life.
Ultimately, it comes down to your personal definition of infidelity within your relationship. Talk to your partner (your human one) and get clear on each others’ thoughts before dabbling with a digital dong, mounting the mechanised manhood, or tickling the techno taco. And hey, if you’re gonna go for it, why not push the envelope with the mind-blowing X-mode?
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