Improvisation and sticky learning.
As facilitators and learning professionals we are always needing to think on our feet. However well planned your session is you can't plan for all scenarios and so the need to be present, to listen and to respond appropriately in the moment is a fundamental skill to ensure the learning you are facilitating really sticks. And when you think about it, this is true of almost all human interactions and many of the behaviours and mindsets that we as facilitators are often helping develop: leadership, sales, customer service, presentation skills and so on. Erin truly understands this and proactively encourages this skill through the use of Improvisation, running experiential learning programmes packed with improv activities, helping people build the necessary skills and mindset to be present, to listen and to act appropriately.
There's no script with Erin and she is an irresistible and generous force of nature: listen in to gain fabulous insights to how you can use the fun and playful Improv approach to help your learning be as sticky as possible! (Plus hear how we might react if we won the lottery!!)
Instagram: @keepinitrealdiehl
Facebook: @learntoimproveit