In today’s episode, Eugene Pozniak (European CME Forum) is joined by Ron Murray (independent CME-CPD consultant) to discuss the recent 15th Annual European CME Forum held live in Barcelona 2-4 November 2022. Ron Murray will be preparing the 15ECF meeting report for publication in JECME.
The theme for 15ECF was “Reevaluating European and global CME-CPD”
If you attended the meeting, please also complete the brief post-meeting survey and let us know your thoughts.
In today’s episode you will hear about:
We are grateful to our supporters this year
Education Partners - COR2ED, DKBmed, Haymarket Medical Education, International Medical Press, Liberum IME, MEDCON International, Siyemi Learning, Touch IME, Scientific Education Support.
Industry supporters - Eli Lilly, Gilead, Janssen,
We have started updating the webpage, you can find the posters and we will continue to add presentations, videos with reports and outputs from the meeting over the coming weeks. Registered participants will also have exclusive access to recordings of highlights from the meeting sessions available on the website.