Episode description
Welcome to The JOINT.....
It’s Wednesday, July 7th.....
This Episode is also called “Living in Hell and Not Knowing it”…. This is Part 2.
Today, we finished talking to our friend, LEE SYATT……
Follow Lee at https://www.Twitter.com/leesyatt & https://www.Instagram.com/leesyatt & https://www.youtube.com/c/leesyatt
This episode is brought to you by Manscaped & Lucy.co.....
Go to https://www.Manscaped.com/JOEY
Go to https://www.Lucy.co and enter PROMO Code: JOEY
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And don’t forget.....
The Mind Of Joey Diaz on PATREON:
#JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint #LeeSyatt TheChurch
The JOINT is Produced by: Michael Klein aka @onebyonepodcast on Social Media:
Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video.....