Hello Earthlings! In today’s episode, our host Lisa Ann Pinkerton (CEO of Technica Communications), is joined by Lindsay Baker (CEO and Chief Strategist of the International Living Future Institute) to explore a future where living buildings give more to the environment and society then they take. To hear Lindsay say it, designing buildings that use materials that won’t make us sick, reuse their water, generate their own energy and create economic and community benefits is not a far-fetched idea.
Lisa and Lindsay discuss the Living Building Challenge work of the International Living Future Institute, as well as examples of buildings already in existence like the Kendeda building in Atlanta. Digressions include the tiny home movement, composting toilets, and the healing power of plants.
In Restoring Our Faith in Humanity this week are Sebastião and Lélia Salgado, a Brazilian couple who spent over 20 years restoring their section of Atlantic Rainforest from a barren land to a thriving forest full of wildlife.
This is the third episode in our built environment series, to hear the other episodes in this series please see the links below:
Key Topics:
Voices on The Show:
Lindsay Baker, CEO and Chief Strategist of the International Living Future Institute