Why don’t more students have mentors? It is up to colleges and institutions to create spaces where students feel heard and seen by their educators and mentors. Our host Salvatrice Cummo, is joined by Dr. Shannon LaCount, the principal product manager at Mentor Collective, to learn how they help students in higher education reach their goals through advantageous pairings and mentorship programming. We’ll discover what makes a great mentorship program and what it takes to create a collective that supports both the student and the institution it serves. Join us as we discuss how to adjust to a student's background, help them visualize their success, and get on track to reach their goals.
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More from Dr. Shannon LaCount:
Visit www.mentorcollective.org
Email: shannon@mentorcollective.org
Facebook: @Mentor Collective
LinkedIn: @Shannon LaCount
Instagram: @shannonlacount
Twitter: @ShannLaCount
Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: scummo@pasadena.edu
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