In just one month, the new Labour government has taken significant positive steps toward improving the British energy system. However, to achieve the net-zero targets, much more needs to be done.
The approach to implementing these changes is crucial for the system's success. Is radical market reform essential, or could it cause more harm than good? How will the migration of many public-to-private sector workers over the years impact progress, now that many mechanisms have been given the go-ahead?
Regen recently published their ‘Accelerating Clean British Power’ report highlighting their calls to Labour for its first 100 days in government. In this episode, Merlin Hyman, Chief Executive at Regen, joins Ed Porter to discuss:
Mentioned in the episode
Regens ‘Accelerating clean British power – our call to Labour for its first 100 days in government’.
Regen's ‘Progressive market reform for a clean power system’
More information on the Electricity Storage Network.
About our guest
Regen is an independent not-for-profit centre of energy expertise and market insight whose mission is to transform the world’s energy systems for a zero carbon future. Regen offers independent expert advice and market insight on all aspects of sustainable energy delivery to support a range of public and private sector organisations to make the most of their clean energy opportunities. For more information on what Regen do, check out their website.
About Modo Energy
Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place.
Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain and ERCOT.
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