Reading some of the headlines out there (without getting to political) is often hard, but I try and steer clear from political crap and only point out things I find to be relevant or boarder on absurdity. I think we as Dad's have to stay abreast of the happenings in the world today and be able to formulate our own opinions based on the values we want to instill in our kids. DON'T just read the title and nothing else-- often the news organizations pick the most hyperbolic statement they can (often misrepresenting the actual facts) to get their own narrative out there. READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE and READ MULTIPLE ARTICLES. GET ALL THE INFORMATION before you form your opinion.
It's HOT as hell out there. Apparently there is a "Heat Dome" that has formed. Is it normal or is this a unique thing? I think it has always happened in the summer personally.
Fuel prices are THROUGH the roof! If you were of adult working age in 2008 this might feel eerily similar.
The high fuel prices appear to be spurring on a likely recession. I hope I am wrong, but increased fuel (particularly diesel prices) I fear will lead to supply chain disruption and cause food prices to be unrealistic for some lower income families.
These things are all important and we need to have our ducks in a row for what we will tell our kids if we have to tell them that we cant afford name brand food anymore or we need to eat spaghetti again this week. OR we can't afford to go on vacation.
Our kids have really never known hardship of any kind, but I fear they will be the ones who learn about hard times through real life experience.
DADS-- make sure you are prepared... be prepared mentally, physically, and supply wise. HAVE A PLAN.
I mention in the video and will be reviewing some of their products to give you guys some ideas for what's out there.
We are in this together Dads... Let's figure this out and be ready for anything...
We are Dads... This is what we do.
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