He is Risen!!! Easter is always a favorite for me because it gives everyone a stark reminder that we have victory over the grave. Jesus didn't say that he died for just a few select people... no, instead he said i will die for everyone's sins and rise from the grave and everyone who believes in me will not die but have everlasting life... We don't deserve it but he did it anyway... He loves us as we should love each other!Coach Dad is in full swing. lots of bad weather have prevented me from being able to tell you guys much of what has been going on but we are officially starting our season this week and I look forward to sharing more with you guys about what these kids learn from each other, myself and my coaches... also what they teach us as parents and coached along the way!Check the video version of the podcast out on Rumble and follow us on MINDS! @thedadcodepodcast #easter #eastersunday #heisrisen #coachdad #dadpodcast