We all want our kids to grow up being polite and productive people right? Of course we do...
What is the best way to get there in terms of how we raise them? Do we want to raise them to be timid, shy, agreeable folks who go along with everything anyone ever throws out there to them?
How do we think that will go over when they start dating? Will they leap to the first person who gives them attention and get walked all over and do it all gleefully in the name of "being in love"?
How will this play out when they get into the job market when they are do for a promotion or maybe have earned a promotion but are too agreeable and timid to ask for what they have earned in the career. Will they just smile and "Yes sir, right back to work sir!"
Will they make a stand... will they follow the example that we have set for them as fathers and let them know that as Dr. Jordan Peterson says, "A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has it under voluntary control."
Whether we like it or not our kids are always watching and will mimic what they experience as a "FATHER"... That is, the example you set as a dad, is what they think a dad IS...
No one is saying you should be a jerk to your kids... but they should know that there's a side to Dad that he keeps under control by his own free will... but won't hesitate to let him out when he deems it necessary...
Do you want to be remembered as a "nice guy".... OR.... as a good FATHER?
The ball is in your court!
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