What a week this has been. Between the city league changing the dates for our games several times over the last week, to playing our first tournament game, to teaching my wife to shoot a handgun for the first time, to CRASHING A 10 yr High School Reunion on accident-- we have had a lot going on! Coach Dad updates include the results from our first tournament game as well as having to "coach up" an assistant coach, and more praise for how improved our boys have become over the season. If you showed up to a bar and their was a 10 year high school reunions going on there would you leave or stay and crash it? Well we stayed and oh what sites there were to see! I also give my thoughts on what I saw from watching a group of high school friends who we did not know and the lessons we can pass on to our kids or save for the right time to teach them! Check this episode out for a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!! #coachdad #togetherwecan #highschoolreunion _____________________________________ Check us out on all your favorite podcasting platforms! https://media.rss.com/thedadcodepodcast/feed.xml Check us out on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and Twitter! Like, Subscribe and Share this video! Check us out on Rumble!