Every day, we make decisions—big, small, and everything in between, each one shaping our careers and relationships, and sometimes even the course of our entire lives. And yet, most of us were never taught how to actually make a decision. Instead, we accept the conventional wisdom: "Just trust your gut." Too bad that advice is only right half the time. Yep, research shows that gut has a 50% hit rate. So why not just go toss a coin? Or wait -- there's a better way, and it's so easy too. All you have to do it...press play. Because in this episode, Suzy breaks the simple decision-making system that changed her life when everything was falling apart, and then put it into success overdrive when things turned around. It’s called 10-10-10, and it’s not about quick fixes or perfect choices—it’s about clarity, confidence, values (of course!) and making peace with the decisions that define us.
Becoming You is a methodology for finding our purpose. For answering the question, "What should I do with my life?" In this quick and powerful episode, learn how good decision-making can help turn Becoming You's findings into reality. And as a bonus, find out how 10-10-10 was born one very long, very humiliating day in Hawaii when Suzy's kids themselves decided to go for broke.
Your own decisions may never be the same.
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