This episode of The Intrazone brings two mixed reality experts to you in full surround sound. Joining us are Vidya Srinivasan, senior program manager and Bill Baer, senior product manager – your interactive tour guides ready to share and point all about SharePoint spaces. You’ll interact with content and information in real-time—visualizing data in your mind from every angle. It’s an audible expedition into mixed reality experiences deigned for everyone, on any device. Tune in - don't SharePoint space out!
Running Time: 56min
Show Intro [00:00:00:00]
Topic of the Week – SharePoint spaces
Guest Perspective – Bill Baer and Vidya Srinivasan [00:02:15:00]
FAQs Roundtable [00:43:45:00]
Upcoming Events [00:48:00:00]
Show Wrap [00:53:45:00]
Social and Info Links:
SharePoint Facebook @MSSharePoint
SharePoint Twitter @SharePoint
Mark Kashman Twitter @mkashman
Chris McNulty Twitter @cmcnulty2000
Bill Baer – Site, Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn
Vidya Srinivasan – Site, Twitter, LinkedIn
Grace Hopper Celebration 2019, Oct. 2-4, Orlando, FL.
"Announcing New File Viewers Available for OneDrive For Business" (blog)
Upcoming Events:
SharePoint Fest Washington, D.C. April 29 - May 3, 2019, @SharePointFest
North American Collaboration Summit, Branson, MO, March 14-15, 2019
AIIM Conference, San Diego, CA, March 26-28, 2019
Microsoft Build 2019, May 6-8, Seattle, WA
SharePoint Conference North America, May 21-23, Las Vegas, NV
European Collaboration Summit, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 27-29, 2019
Microsoft Ignite | The Tour (various cities worldwide)
Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Atlanta, GA, June 10-11, 2019
ESPC, European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference - Dec.2-5 (Prague, Czech Republic)
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