Dì liùshí'èr zhāng dào zhě wànwù zhī ào. Shànrén zhī bǎo, bùshàn rén zhī suǒ bǎo. Měi yán kěyǐ shì zūn, měi xíng kěyǐ jiā rén. Rén zhī bùshàn, hé qì zhī yǒu. Gù lì tiān zi, zhì sāngōng, suī yǒu gǒng bì yǐ xiān sìmǎ, bùrú zuò jìn cǐ dào. Gǔ zhī suǒyǐ guì cǐ dào zhě hé. Bù yuē: Qiú yǐ dé, yǒuzuì yǐmiǎn xié. Gù wéi tiānxià guì. ----------------------------------- 62. Sin The Way is the fate of men, The treasure of the saint, And the refuge of the sinner.
Fine words are often borrowed, And great deeds are often appropriated; Therefore, when a man falls, do not abandon him, And when a man gains power, do not honour him; Only remain impartial and show him the Way.
Why should someone appreciate the Way? The ancients said, "By it, those who seek may easily find, And those who regret may easily absolve" So it is the most precious gift.
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