![18 大道廢 dàdào fèi| 老子 Lao zi |《道德經》Dao de jing - podcast episode cover](https://d3mww1g1pfq2pt.cloudfront.net/Image/ck9tcffevgslp08733bo2bgl7/1603705769512.png)
Episode description
第 十 八 章
大 道 废 , 有 仁 义 ﹔ 智 慧 出 , 有 大 伪 ﹔
六 亲 不 和 , 有 孝 慈 ﹔ 国 家 昏 乱 , 有 忠 臣 。
Dì shíbā zhāng
dàdào fèi, yǒu rényì﹔zhìhuì chū, yǒu dà wěi﹔ liùqīn bù hé,, yǒu xiàocí﹔guójiā hūnluàn, yǒu zhōngchén.
18. Hypocrisy
When the Way is forgotten
Duty and justice appear;
Then knowledge and wisdom are born
Along with hypocrisy.
When harmonious relationships dissolve
Then respect and devotion arise;
When a nation falls to chaos
Then loyalty and patriotism are born.
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