Episode description
不盈章第四道沖,而用之或不盈。淵兮似萬物之宗;挫其銳,解其紛,和其光,同其塵, 湛兮似或存。吾不知誰之子,象帝之先。
Dì sì zhāng: Dào chōng ér yòng zhī, huò bù yíng. Yuān xī, shì wànwù zhī zōng.(Cuò qí ruì, jiě qí fēn, hé qí guāng, tóng qí chén.) Zhàn xī, shì huò cún. Wú bùzhī shéi zhīzǐ, xiàng dì zhī xiān.
4. Limitless
The Way is a limitless vessel;
Used by the self, it is not filled by the world;
It cannot be cut, knotted, dimmed, or stilled;
Its depths are hidden, ubiquitous, and eternal;
I don't know where it comes from;
It comes before nature.
道,空虚无形,其大能却无穷无尽,渊远深奥啊,像是万物的祖宗。放弃自以为是的锐气,摆脱纷纭万象的迷惑,和于你生命的光中,认同你尘土的本相,你 便能在幽幽之中,看到他那似有似无的存在。我不知道有谁产生他,他先于一切有形之帝。
道,空虛無形,其大能卻無窮無盡,淵遠深奧啊,像是萬物的祖宗。放棄自以為是的銳氣,擺脫紛紜萬象的迷惑,和於你生命的光中,認同你塵土的本相,你 便能在幽幽之中,看到他那似有似無的存在。我不知道有誰產生他,他先於一切有形之帝。
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