How resourceful are you?
When you come up against a challenge, do you cave to the pressure, or do you rise to the occasion?
How exactly DO people do that?
Life - and business - are overwhelming. There are so many challenges to overcome, and the longer we live, the more there are, and the bigger they become. So in this episode, we are talking about how to deal with a challenge, regardless of if it's a business pivot, or how to get to that special event on a shoestring budget.
Jennifer, Daniel, and Patricia all have their strategies, and it boils down to this formula:
1 - assess the situation. Where are you, where do you want to go? Be brutally honest on both counts, as you need to know those things before you can plan anything else. If you're planning a car trip to New York City, your route will be vastly different if you're in Manhattan or San Diego.
2 - assess the resources available. What do you have to work with? What will need to be improvised?
3 - Chunk the challenge down. Break it into solvable pieces. Now you can solve each individually.
4 - approach it as if it's an adventure.
5- Ask for help from others. OTHERS are also a resource. Don't overlook them.
Business is challenging, and one has to remain resourceful, optimistic, and calm. This is how that's accomplished!