Welcome to "It's the Bottom Line that Matters"! In this insightful episode, we are joined by Keith Lee, the remarkable author of "Out Nordstrom Nordstrom: Creating the World's Best Customer Service" and "The Happy Customer Handbook: 59 Secrets to Creating Happy Customers who come back time and time again." Keith shares his journey of infusing customer service principles into his businesses, exemplified by his recent million-dollar sale of American Retail Supply. Through engaging anecdotes, he emphasizes the importance of fanatical customer service, the concept of internal customers, and the need for extensive training in ensuring exceptional customer experiences. Keith's philosophy of treating all employees as customer service ambassadors and systematizing customer service for consistency provides actionable insights for businesses of all sizes. Join us as we explore the key strategies for outstanding customer service and discover how it directly impacts your business's bottom line.
About our guest: Keith Lee is the founder of American retail supply and began his career in the early 1980s. He started a newsletter in 1992 to share information with his customers and leads, with the goal of helping them become better retailers and increase their need for his products. His approach was successful, and his business continued to grow as he stayed in front of his customers and provided them with valuable insights. Today, Keith Lee is recognized as a leading expert in the retail supply industry.
Connect with Keith at https://www.keithlee.com and get a copy of Keith's book at https://keithlee.clickfunnels.com/the-happy-customer-handbook Keywords: Keith Lee, customer service, Nordstrom, Disney, happy customers, American Retail Supply, book, business growth, marketing, exceptional service, team, prioritizing customers, internal customers, golden rule, training, empathy, upset customers, reputation, hotel, mouse incident, programs, internal stakeholders, overdelivering, consistency, systematizing customer service, business size, business success