Imagine being offered a chance to invest in a solid, debt-free, profitable company that was going to go public tomorrow at below market rates. Now imagine getting that offer twenty or more times a year. This is the model that Callum Laing and his team have been working on since 2015. By marrying the capital markets with the small business ecosystem, he shows you how you can start investing today in projects that have the fast growth of a tech company, the dividend policy of your favorite cash cow and the job impact that most governments can only dream of.
And for entrepreneurs, he demonstrates a unique rollup strategy that has allowed him and his company to build a 9 figure business in less than 18 months in a very unique and innovative way. They call it "Agglomeration"
This episode is one of the most advanced interviews I've done on the subject of acquisitions and the absolute definition of creative deal-making. After reading his book, "Entrepreneurial Investing: Connecting Sophisticated Capital with Talented Small Business" (which you can download for free below) I reached out to Callum so he can take me further and answer some big questions I still had. He answered each of them clearly and succinctly.
If you're looking to really expand you mind to what's possible with creative dealmaking make sure to listen to this interview (or read the transcript below).
Entrepreneurial Investing shows investors how to:
• Connect with good, profitable small businesses
• Ensure that your capital investment serves to grow business and invest in its people
• Profit from small businesses while having all the liquidity and risk mitigation of a big PLC
Callum Laing is the co-founder and CEO of MBH Corporation PLC, a publicly traded company that acquires small businesses around the globe, leaving the founders in place.
Callum has more than two decades of experience in starting, building, buying, and selling businesses in a range of sectors, including recruitment, sport and lifestyle, information technology, and telecommunications.
He has published three best-selling books on business and investing, has interviewed and published more than 1,000 interviews with entrepreneurs and sits as High Commissioner to the World Business Angel Investor Forum, representing Singapore.
Laing is also one of the pioneers behind the ‘Agglomerate’ methodology, which helps small businesses gain access to capital markets and connects investors with small profitable businesses.
Links from the author
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