When it comes to high-level selling, there’s one guy that comes to mind - Kevin Donahue. From selling software to top level government security agencies and membership for an A-list mastermind group to skin care products, there probably is nothing that Kevin couldn’t sell. As he puts it, it’s not about the product but it’s about sticking to a system.
I met Kevin four years ago in Costa Rica during an event for personal development and entrepreneurship. He seemed to be your typical surfer dude, but I quickly found out that he is one of the most brilliant minds I’ve ever met, especially when it comes to selling at higher levels and higher prices.
With Kevin’s unmatched ability to network and create relationships, as well as his ability to get deals going and become a major resource for many people, he was able to dominate in every niche that he chose to build a business in. I’ve invited Kevin on the show to share some bacon wrapped strategies for finding and owning your niche as well as using language creatively and powerfully in order to dominate in your niche.
Here’s what we discussed on this episode:
06:50 - Working with government agencies (CIA, FBI, The White House, and the likes) in business development and search engine software
07:35 - Carving out his niche of investigative agencies selling an investigative forensic search engine software
08:44 - Becoming the go-to-guy by dominating his niche
09:09 - Other international organizations Kevin has worked
10:00 - Yogi the Pug: The power of the Internet and Youtube when you have a killer story
11:51 - Kevin’s mini-retirement and reinventing his life
13:03 - “Destroy anything in your life that isn’t excellent.” - Dan Sullivan
14:06 - Working with Joe Polish to grow the Genius Network Mastermind
16:58 - Getting into the skin care and diet supplement business
17:11 - Finding and recognizing powerful systems
19:03 - An “on-demand done for you” business model
20:08 - Why predictable business systems work
20:30 - Profit sharing and responsibilities
22:20 - The ideal profit partner for Kevin’s business
25:19 - Bacon wrapped strategy: How to sell things by understanding your environment
27:13 - The key strategies for effective selling: Psychology, sociology, and assume rapport
28:00 - Touch, move, and inspire
29:30 - Being convincing vs. being compelling
30:15 - Why everyone is looking for superhero in their lives
32:42 - Knowing your niche: Understanding who you can be a hero to
36:38 - Narrowing down your niche
38:10 - Why Kevin choose the skin care business
39:00 - Other projects that Kevin is working on
40:25 - Does equity mean anything?
40:55 - Raising your prices: Putting a powerful wrapper of __________.
43:45 - The power of language: Honda vs. Ferrari
48:07 - Why it takes focus, practice, and action
50:40 - When is the right time to launch a podcast
For more information on Kevin and his business endeavors, visit:
The Executive Sales Source - http://www.executivesalessource.com
Brand Ingenuity Group - http://www.brandingenuitygroup.com
Linkedin - http://www.linkedin.com/in/globalconnector
If you have any questions or challenges or would like a second opinion on your business strategy, email askbrad@baconwrappedbusiness.com and let me know.