Brian Kurtz is a true TITAN of direct response marketing.
With a career spanning nearly four decades, he has sent over 1.3 billion pieces of direct mail, mastered the marketing of newsletters and books via direct response television (infomercials), and using e-mail and the Internet in huge numbers.
At the height of his infomercial success, Brian was responsible for buying media in excess of $80 million and sold over three million books via direct response television over a three year period while at the Boardroom.
It doesn't matter if you're just getting started or trying to scale your business to a billion in revenue, Brian Kurtz reveals some time-tested, hard-won lessons that will help you on your journey.
This interview is a real treat because Brian is extremely generous in sharing his wisdom and letting us borrow his brilliance to use in our business.
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
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