Episode description
Working on a project is like swimming towards a paradise island.
We keep swimming, we know it will be great once we get there, we know our goal...
We are swimming during hours and hours, we're getting closer and suddenly... we see a second island!
This new one is even more beautiful... Then we decide to change our destination and go for another even longer journey...
THE problem is that we will always have the impression that we might have decide to go to another direction. If we should've known we should've swum directly to the second island...
The problem is that if we constantly change direction, we will never reach our goal...
So it's all about decision and focus... not about choose the perfect path or perfect destination...
Now what if this second island was finally a stopover for the island we have been aiming for?
If you want to learn more about how to build a startup without technical skills, check: https://myctofriend.co
If you want to learn more about Marketing automation, then check: https://marketingautomationninja.com
These episode are also available as Youtube Video on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnY4HNrvZTnIOMO3FPkinxQ