A man is dead in the cargo hold, and he's not happy about it. In this episode, Marcus meets the passengers aboard the Moonshine Express, including an adorable parrot. Hope y'all enjoy listening to this as much as we enjoyed recording it!
SUPPORT THE SHOW: ko-fi.com/murdermuseum
Donate or review for a chance to have a character named after you!! (Thanks, Henry!)
WE WROTE A RIDDLE BOOK: aureliuswhitlock.gumroad.com
Hosts: Marcus Richardson and Nathan Hicken
Additional Voices by Jared Richardson
Music and Editing by Marcus Richardson
Additional music in this episode:
Music from "Western - Quickdraw" by Magnum Opus Archives:
Witch By The Sea by Darren Curtis (darrencurtismusic.com)
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0
Darkest Child by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0
www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ CC BY 4.0
www.freepd.com CC BY 4.0