Welcome back to our lost season 9! This was the last episode left until the season came to an abrupt end, but don't worry, the story still wraps up nice and our players were gracious enough to reprise their characters one last time to record an official ending of No Man's Land. After receiving supplies from Homeless Jim and the gang, the group continues on towards a big city unwittingly coming into a battleground. Bandits attack and the party must survive and press through. They find lying nearly dead in the roadway Professor Pine, Ashe's old mentor, who makes a plea to Ashe with a dying breath. After more countless days traveling, they reach Seattle and come to a big final decision regarding the condition of the entire human existence. Cast: Doomsday Master: Joe Ashe the Iguana Tamer: Sam Blake the News Reporter: Danny Axel the Whisperer: Bob Dustin the Pyro: Derek (Cheddar)