Are you using tags, lists, or custom fields in your CRM? Have you ever wondered which one is better? And how does AI play a role in the CRM and the Marketing Automation space?
Today's guest needs no introduction - Chris L. Davis is a great friend of mine who is a host of a popular podcast called All Systems Go! Podcast.
Chris is also the Founder of In this episode, Chris shares insights on automation, AI and segmentation, catering to agency owners, automation builders, experts, and non-techie business owners alike.
Here's what we discuss:
[00:02:06] Segmentation explained in layman terms.
[00:10:22] What is a successful business segmentation.
[00:18:35] Using segmentation to amplify success.
[00:22:45] The impact of AI in marketing.
[00:25:04] AI in Marketing Automation Industry.
[00:30:14] Seth Godin's thoughts on AI
[00:34:03] Segmentation in marketing automation.
[00:37:15] Tags vs. Fields - which one is better for data gathering
Chris L. Davis Bio
Chris L. Davis is one of the most highly sought after marketing automation consultant and advisor in the industry. With a unique background in electrical engineering and leadership roles at major startups like Leadpages and ActiveCampaign, Chris has helped numerous startup companies raise a collective of over $157 million in capital. Combining his technical and marketing expertise, he developed a systematic approach to building automated marketing systems inside of businesses to maintain a lean operational footprint while experiencing enterprise level revenue scale. Passionate about empowering marketers, Chris created a membership community that serves as an ever-growing online resource, equipping digital marketers with the tools and techniques they need to automate the marketing of any business effectively.
You can follow Chris Davis on LinkedIn here -
To view the mentioned resource - click here.
Technology can be overwhelming, there is just too much choice for business owners to consider. Every week, we’ll be sharing how you can identify what technology is a good fit for your business and how to use automation to grow your business. We are on a mission to simplify marketing automation technology so you can feel in control of growing your business.
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